Wednesday, October 1, 2008


The title of this blog belies the smallest common denominator in a much larger equation of ( and as the title is not entitled by common sense and caution so much as the "two red cents" of the yellow journaliste ) political corruption and beyond AND especially beneath to the causes of unconditional injustice, unfairness, and, very much these days, the bellicose status quo of class elites and those special incorporated interests in this country but too close for comfort with the nation's State incorporated and compromised to the benefit of foreign powers and foreign currencies given control by no one less than traitors who hide behind labels like "speculators" and "hedge funds" but espeical "sub- prime confidence men" of the American people and their Constitution, and the title is meant to facititate the garnering of the truth, and the threshing of the chaff through the channel of a symbolic personification that stands up to lies, injustice, and the American waived, namely Citizen SCOFFLAW, for convenience and to stir up the rightly indignant citizenry "victimized" day in and day out, some to the point of pointless tragedy, whilst out of necessity, AN EXAMPLE WILL BE made of the incestuous corruption of the justice sytem and its servitors of St. John's County, Florida, to this effect:

"dirty lawyer" DIANE PAULL a/ka/ Madame Mal Oiks

That an example must be made and in particular "poster child" profiles of what has to be on the most extreme sort of "DIRTYLAWYER" to be found possible anywhere in one of the most politically corrupt states in our great Union, Florida, where the "good old boy network", "Jim Crow" cult like premiums entrenched in hatred, desparagement of any real difference or diversity that even hint at deviation from the totalitarin line, abound and this for the convenience and understanding of the people of say North Florida, exposed, to public scrutiny whereas one may with common sense discern, say again, the connection between 19th Century ante- Reconstruction reactionary forces, all the look-a-way up and beyond the Civil Rights movement of the sixties and early seventies and beyond even then in St. Augustine even now, and this "business as usual" Tri-laterial conspiracy whereas 17 of its Circuit Judases and 4 of its run of the gin mill Judges are unopposed by Dem utter fo'ks in the upcomming local elections be confronted while as of the moment are in fact oppossed by the voters themselves unanimous and all and all, on a personal note is simply and rightly the people's way of becoming more self managing as well as self- sufficient.

running subtext:wall street is bidding on the highest bailout, the top 1.5 percent filthy stinking plutocrats are behind the hedge funds and the casino gambling on the killing-floor of the Bourse there fetches and servitors speculate up the paper tigers that are like bubbles in a tar pit. Tax free, dread- scott free, and bargain away with the help of 9ll contracted juntas from reagan- bush to bush-cheney and lobbyists and lawyers who told them torture was A OK that Corporate Welfare was a good deal for them and the super elites they press flesh with.

But just as the only real people that deserve the peoples money is the people in need (and their neighbors who get it) and distress themselves here down where it all starts and ends, so too the purge of the corruption of the local justice system that enables and enforces the crimes and lawlessness of government bureaucracy and power brokering rackets and the tribal racketeers who run working people lives and earned property into the ground (six feet if a person can afford the PLOT) begins right outside the door of the taxpaying law abiding typical grassrooted citizenry! (There are no “average” people anymore there’s average consumers indices and numbers for the number- cruncher, and if there are then let them move into the curve of the liberty BELL and bang their heads against it’s wall as if those thick skulls were a clacker until red, white and blue blood flows like liquidities through the iconic crack!)

first in a series of MATERIAL PUBLIC NOTICES:


Case No. DR07-1665

Division 57







COMES NOW, Daniel F. Walsh, Husband and ask of your Honor, John

Alexander, to recuse himself, in support of this motion Husband states

as follows :

What was supposed to be according to the laws and procedures

brought against me, by my wife of 25 yrs., has become something

dangerous and totally threatening to my livelihood, and therefore I

request your Honor to recuse himself from this case, DR07-1665. I am

not only a law abiding citizen, but a Husband and Father who takes

nothing for granted, and have always done what is best for my family,

and the many other people I care about. You Sir, have treated me with

no respect or dignity, and in fact, treat me like I'm some kind of

criminal. It appears you are confusing your Juvenile and Criminal

cases, with your Family cases, and don't even realize it ? Perhaps

you're overwhelmed or entangled with these other cases? All I know,

is you have intentionally and deliberately performed with prejudice,

nepotism, bias, and interference involving this case, and you have

politically abused your power as a servant of the people in a way that

is destructive to families. Had you ordered counseling for my wife,

pertaining to her inappropriate behavior that you have been informed

of, this marriage could still be saved. Instead, this court has

created more conflict. Ultimately, I had no choice but to contact and

inform the agencies listed below because of your treatment towards me,

by your Honor, and that you should be ashamed that a "Simple Divorce"

has reached this level. Also, if I am intimidated and/or harassed in

any manner, I will ask the Feds to investigate you and the court,

since they are already in the area investigating likewise behavior.

Keep in mind, I did not ask for this situation, nor am I responsible

for it. Perhaps you need to look at my wife's attorney, after all, it

was one of the most respected attorneys in Jacksonville, who had

practiced law for over 50 yrs., that warned me of Attorney Diane

Paull's reputation at the onset of this case.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<


NickT said...

I've been following the case where Dianne Paull has been overtly committing crimes through commission and not ommission -- basically, she knows what she can get away with and does it anyway.
It is sad to know that we've got people like the lesbonic family law attorney Dianne Paull and the dis-honorable judge alexander who know that the people of this great state, and country, will protect them even when they lie and break the law.
You see, we are no different than our ancestors, who respected the authority of the courts and government workers who where there to protect us. And they did. So we honored them and protected them by voting into law punishments for harming them by way of capital crimes, that are harsher than the punishments for committing capital crimes against say ... Joe the Plumber.
This resulted in the unforeseen corruption by we of like mind like Joe the Plumber, and a total compromise of the integrity of the government officials that our ancestors taught us to respect and honor.
But let's not forget the more important group that we must honor and respect... our immediate family members.
Lesbonic attorney Dianne Paull has arrogantly claimed to be privileged so that she can lie under oath and the dis-honorable Judge Alexander has imposed sanctions against Mr. Walsh against commenting on certain aspects of his case. Judge Alexander, is a criminal, by the simple fact that he took an oath of office to protect the constitutional rights of all litigants that appear before him and he has violated his oath, which is a federal crime. You see, the dis-honorable judge Alexander has stripped Mr. Walsh of his (Walsh) first amendment rights. The dis-honorable Judge Alexander is a criminal as he has committed consumer fraud and should immediatley be stripped of, not only his judicial immunity, but his U.S. Citizenship and his sovereignty as a human being. So basically, if someone were to commit a 'capital crime' against Alexander, the punishment would be no more than fishing or hunting without a license -- a $150 fine -- case closed.
Dis-honorable judges, at the bequest of crooked lawyers, destroy God's gift of Family on a daily basis and we need the people of this state and country to hold them accountable for holding such positions of high visibility. The way to do it is to punish them for abusing their publically-trusted power by way of stripping them of their U.S. Citizenship and their sovereignty. Basically, they would have less civil rights in the U.S. than say the alleged terrorists in Gitmo.

scofflaw said...

Yo, there Nick, Scofflaw here. Your comment is well taken and will be taken in consideration by many others in the know, I'm sure. Scofflaw tho has some queries regarding yr. post for clarity's sake mind you: like what does, "lesbonic" mean ( a curious term, indeed) also very interested by what you mean when you say, human being, ergo I can understand as suck the Hang'n' Judge in question here-- there was some voter fraud regarding the proceedure in POSTING and public voter access to the status of this Judge and I think at the time (2008- early voting/polling in the election in Florida)like 17 other judges (!)just walking back into office un-opposed, whereas the Florida Dept. of State, board of elections shld've been and if not will be given a heads up regarding. My related question is: did Judge Alexander actually take the oath of office, inaguration day, 2009, as he was required to do by the FL> Constitution, there's a good chance based on his ARROGANCE and abuse of privilege-- which extends to petty racketeers like Diane Paull-- his Diss-Honor did not!
The point of abuse to the point of conspiracy/ conflict of interest complicity in the real estate booty, bank connection of both these Tories, of privilege which is the sky-hook by which the more severe penalties (compared to the average citizen/civilian who impinges upon likewise "laws", ordinances, "rules" most be focused on if you'd hope for any kind of actual "movement".
Speaking of which Scofflaw, even the MP, him/her/itself encourages you to air and extrapolate you own legal/ civil miasme effected by the corrupt and
conspiratorial judicial system.
Your last points made in the later third of yr. comment here is applauded by us. Bravo! and thank you, compatriot!

NickT said...

Hey Scoflaw,
Thanks for the compliments. I wish, at this point, to answer just one of your questions and that is the one related to the term "lesbonic".
It is an invented term, that I've learned, as I was going through the divorce industry. It basically addresses 2 main issues in our society: 1 being RADICAL feminism (I don't need a man to raise a child or to get pregnant!), the other being the expressed disrespect for the traditional roles in a functional society of men and women.
Now, as one does not have to be female to be a feminist, or even a radical feminist, one does not have to be a lesbian, or even a woman to be 'lesbonic'.
I believe that the word 'lesbonic' is more of an adjective, which describes a political, or social, ideology... much like being a democrat or a republican.
Just another way to categorize human beans.