Thursday, August 11, 2022

Thursday, January 1, 2009

breaking the ice: context of "cause and effect" in corrupt legal tautologies...

Literally, a belief in more than one entity or a tendency to be, hold, or do more than one thing. This literal meaning is common to all the political and social applications of the word, but it has applied in contexts so varied that the uses seem like separate meanings. The most established of these is pluralism as the tendency of people to hold more than one job or benefice, most specifically in the context of the pre-Reformation Catholic Church. In the late nineteenth century, pluralis

Employees shall treat all members of the public with professionalism and
courtesy. Further, employees have a reasonable expectation that they will also
be treated civilly by members of the public. Procedures will be developed that will
provide employees with appropriate responses to individuals who are abusive,
threatening and discourteous and strategies for dealing with such individuals.
LAWS IMPLEMENTED: 1001.41; 1001.42 F.S.
HISTORY DATE ADOPTED: 09/09/2008m was applied to philosophical theories or systems of thought which recognized more than one ultimate principle, as opposed to those which were ‘monist’. At the same time, the word came to be applied in the United States to the view that the country could legitimately continue to be formed of distinct ethnic groups, the Jewish-Americans, Irish-Americans, and so on, rather than that all differences should dissolve into a ‘melting-pot’ (see also multiculturalism).All of these uses have had at least a slight influence on the primary contemporary meaning in which the pluralist model of society is one in which the existence of groups is the political essence of society. Pluralists in this sense contrast with elitists because they see the membership of village and neighbourhood communities, trade unions, voluntary societies, churches, and similar organizations as being more important than distinctions between a ruling class and a class that is ruled: vertical distinctions in society are less important than horizontal.The forerunner of this kind of pluralism was F. R. de Lammenais who edited the journal L'Avenir in France in the early nineteenth century. Lammenais attacked both the individualism and the universalism of the Enlightenment and the Revolution. The individual, he said, was ‘a mere shadow’, who could not be said to exist at all socially except in so far as he was part of one or more groups. Both Lammenais and modern pluralists, including such notable American writers as Robert Dahl and Nelson Polsby, tend to believe both that society consists essentially of groups, with its political life a competition for group influence, and that this state of affairs is a good thing. Thus pluralism is often a relatively conservative doctrine, at least in relation to Marxism or radical democratic theory, which both tend to portray society as a predominance of an elite over a non-elite rather than a competition between groups.
— Lincoln Allison

Archaeology Dictionary: pluralism
Diversity in interpretation. Because the world cannot be reduced to a series of simple conceptual categories there will always be a range of approaches, understandings, and interpretations. In this sense the world is polysemous and characterized by multiplicity. See also multivocality.

US History Encyclopedia: Pluralism
Pluralism is both a doctrine and the label for a commonsense perception. As a doctrine, pluralism holds that multiplicity is a virtue in ideas and institutions; hence pluralism rejects unity as the measure of intellectual and institutional development. As a label, pluralism describes the cultural diversity and interest-group politics that characterize American life. Pluralist doctrine implies a commitment to difference often unacknowledged in uses of the label. In early-twentieth-century debates about immigration and national identity, doctrine and label converged. Their union was short-lived, however, as the cultural pluralism that emerged from these debates upheld a collectivist vision of American life anathema to liberal individuality. Over the course of the twentieth century, social scientists enlisted the term to describe a range of social and political developments. The triumph of multiculturalism at the century's end revived pluralism's association with ethnicity and culture, though few contemporary multiculturalists endorse the racial essentialism and ethnic separatism that distinguished cultural pluralism.
Early Commonsense Perceptions of Pluralism
Americans perceived the fact of pluralism long before they delineated pluralist doctrine. From colonial times, but especially after the Revolutionary War (1775–1783), American writers trumpeted the egalitarianism and religious and ethnic diversity of the New World to bemused European audiences. None exceeded in enthusiasm French immigrant farmer J. Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur. "What, then, is the American, this new man," Crèvecoeur demanded in Letters from an American Farmer and Sketches of Eighteenth-Century America (1782):
"He is either an European or the descendant of an European; hence that strange mixture of blood, which you will find in no other country. I could point out to you a family whose grandfather was an Englishman, whose wife was Dutch, whose son married a French woman, and whose present four sons have now four wives of different nations. He is an American, who, leaving behind him all his ancient prejudices and manners, receives new ones from the new mode of life he has embraced, the new government he obeys, and the new rank he holds." (pp. 69–70)
Two generations later, Herman Melville boasted in Redburn (1849) that one could not "spill a drop of American blood without spilling the blood of the whole world." (p. 238) In a similar vein, Ralph Waldo Emerson proclaimed America an "asylum of all nations" and predicted that "the energy of Irish, Germans, Swedes, Poles & Cossacks, & all the European tribes,—of the Africans, & of the Polynesians" would combine on American soil to forge "a new race, a new religion, a new State, a new literature" to rival modern Europe's. (Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks, pp. 299–300) Emerson's paean to American exceptionalism was unusual in including non-Westerners in the mix; most denied the presence in the New World of slaves, Indians, and other "undesirables," elisions that suggest an enduring characteristic of pluralist discourse, namely its tendency to fix and maintain intellectual and social boundaries. But Emerson followed convention in regarding national homogeneity as a requisite of politics and culture. Neither he, Melville, nor Crèvecoeur was pluralist in the sense of wanting to preserve diversity for diversity's sake. All three regarded ethnic diversity as a defining but not enduring quality of American life. All expected pluribus to yield ineluctably to unum.
Indeed, unity was America's burden in its first century of national life. Only after the Civil War (1861–1865) did Americans possess sufficient national consciousness to abide a flirtation with genuine difference. Which is not to say that most, let alone many, Americans embraced pluralism either before or after the Civil War. The majority probably concurred with John Jay, who, in Federalist 2, counted ethnic and cultural homogeneity among the blessings Providence bestowed on the thirteen states. No asylum for European refugees, Jay's America was home to a vigorous "people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, [and] very similar in manners and customs…"(p. 38). This America seems to have little in common with that of the literary bards. But from a pluralist perspective, the product of all these visions is more or less the same: cultural homogeneity in the service of national unity; unum, though with a different face.
Two other frequently cited pluralist texts from the late eighteenth century, James Madison's Federalist 10 and Thomas Jefferson's commentary on religious toleration, similarly aimed not to promote diversity for its own sake, but to neutralize political and social divisions in the name of civic order. Witness Madison, whose reputation as a pluralist stems from his conception of republican politics as an arena of competing factions. Madison cannot be said to have valued faction in its own right. He regarded factionalism as a mortal disease conducive to overbearing majorities and corrosive of the public good. Had it been possible, Madison would have expunged faction from politics. But "the latent causes of faction" were "sown in the nature of man," he recognized, hence there could be no eradicating faction without extinguishing liberty—a remedy "worse than the disease." Rather, he would mitigate faction's toxin by delineating a model of federal republicanism designed to propel individuals out of the ruts of local self-interest and into more amplitudinous state and national coalitions. "Extend the sphere" of government, he maintained, "and you take in a greater variety of parties and interests; you make it less probable that a majority of the whole will have a common motive to invade the rights of other citizens …" (pp. 77, 84). Concern for individual and minority rights likewise motivated Jefferson's defense of religious toleration in Notes on the State of Virginia. Jefferson viewed faith as a matter of private conscience and therefore beyond government jurisdiction. States that insisted on imposing an official religion invited social discord; by contrast, states that exercised religious tolerance enjoyed unrivaled prosperity. A self-described Christian who eschewed institutional religion, Jefferson appears to have been indifferent about the long-term fate of the world's faiths. He even suggests that given peace, prosperity, and the free play of reason, belief will converge on "the true religion," a proposition anathema to pluralist doctrine (p. 256). :

Larizza, who defended Flagler County Jail guard Samuel Ferris against charges of abuse, unrelated to Lisa Tanner's case, disagrees.
Tanner is working hard to keep the results sealed — at least until after the election, Larizza said.
Larizza worked at the State Attorney's Office 1996-2002. "I was hired by [State Attorney] Steve Alexander," he said. "I worked the bulk of the time under Tanner's regime."
Larizza said he would institute regular merit reviews in the State Attorney's Office — something he didn't get.
"I had only one performance evaluation," he said.
Larizza said he wants to keep career prosecutors working for the state attorney. He also wants to be proactive and involved in preventive measures, working with high-risk families in the community.

Former State Attorney Steve Alexander was an assistant state attorney when he prosecuted Robinson in the 1980s. During the recent appeal, attorneys accused him of racism. He said their job was to throw mud on the wall and see if any of it stuck."It's kind of tough when you're there on the firing line, and they're talking about you. But I felt all along that this thing would resolve itself ... I was happy when the final order came out," Alexander said.He declined to comment about Radelet's report because he hadn't read it. But he pointed out that 4 of the 5 men sentenced to death in St. Johns County are white."It certainly looks like in St. Johns County we seem to be fairly well color-blind," he said.Radelet said that whites remain more likely to be sentenced to death in any given homicide. This is because whites make up a much higher percentage of the population than blacks. It makes white people more likely to be murder victims. If a person was randomly shot, odds arehigher that he or she would be white, he said.

Executions in Florida since 1979:-Total executions: 57-By murder victim: 49 of 57 executions involved convicts who killed white people.-7 of 57 involved convicts who killed black people.-1 execution involved a convict who killed a Latino person. By murder victim and defendant:-36 executions involved both white victims and defendants.-12 executions involved black defendants and white victims.-7 executions involved black defendants and black victims.-0 executions involved white defendants and black victims.-1 execution involved a Native American defendant and a white victim.-1 execution involved a Latino defendant and a Latino victim.-- Compiled by Michael Radelet, University of ColoradoThis article has been reproduced with the kind permission of Michael Radelet 2004

September 22, 2008
Sen. Alexander vs. Citizens, part 9?
Sen. J.D. Alexander, a frequent critic of Citizens Property Insurance Corp., wrote a scathing letter questioning Citizen's quest for new office space.
But Citizens says: Hold on a second, we haven't chosen anything yet.
Alexander, who chairs general government budget, suggested that Citizens is looking for certain amenities, such as a fitness center, restaurant and concierge services in its quest for 100,000 square feet.
"As I am sure you are aware, the State of Florida and the nation as a whole, are experiencing financial challenges. With these challenges, it is imperative that all of Citizens’ costs, as a government-sponsored entity, remain as low as possible in order to minimize policy costs and assessments to the taxpayers of Florida," Alexander wrote.
Citizens spokesman John Kuczwanski said the state-run insurer is still negotiating with two possible choices and "haven't disqualified anyone," at this point. They are looking for new digs for the summer of 2010 and they're hoping to combine offices spaces (they now have two) into one campus. The insurer first approached the Department of Management Services for space, and DMS said no dice.
Kuczwanski couldn't say where the top two locations were, and he wouldn't give out details on those who responded to the request for office space, citing an exemption to open records law for such proposals still in the works.
"Nothing is finalized at this point," Kuczwanski said.

Why don't you build some office space on your land J.D.? You know, right by USF Lakeland that you sold to the state. I'm certain you wouldn't be against the plan if it was on your land. You got your payoff J.D.-now go away!

"Character counts in life. ... Your character's going to leak out at some point," Matthews reminded the crowd.
District 2 school board member Tommy Allen is generally conceded to be the father of the Character Counts! program in the schools.
These days Character Counts! is such a part of the school system that when principals make their annual reports on schools they include character right along with math and reading scores.
It wasn't always so.

Individual Service Award - Carol Pemberton, St. Johns County School District
Special Character Advocate Award - Circuit Judge John Alexander

Saturday, October 4, 2008

"privilege" and conflict of interest and the "family" not Scofflaw's nor yours

Another "family" member in the School District Administration, Tom.

This is to say in keeping with the compassionate opinion of President Lincoln that merely reforming such "racket" was not enough but only the total destruction in tandem with a political, commercial, and social purge of the characters, institutions, and attitudes which enable and aggravate such a "cult" had to be pursued to a logical end.

When the rights, laws, and abiding principles of the Constitution, English, Civil Law, and then the higher standards of humane Christianity ( this must be mentioned in passing) are deliberately and with volition, perverted, mis-directed or otherwise misappropriated to the side of elites who are of that persuasion and justify their out of hand criminal skulduggery because they are in bed with powerful and dated "family" entrenchments, vast land and property holdings, rampant nepotism, serious unethical if not conspiratorial "conflicts of interest", and arrogant assumptions of privilege in all its prodigies.


Attorney Paull has a racket going on which plays and preys upon family court divorce cases' litigants' confusion anger and frustration with each other and as such is not much more different than the mediums and spiritists of old and those of the present sucking dry their victims particularly financially who are disoriented by the loss and grief over loved ones in fact she is exactly like them to the extent that she extorts money property and livelihood from hers placing liens upon their homesteads (in truth at least 6 times maybe 7 by the end of this month) that are nothing less then frauds and the fruit of corruption and constant defrauding clients and whose defendants are during so called legal proceedings cruelly and maliciously put into danger by her and the a justice system replete with conflicted Judges like Judge John M. Alexander in the 7th Circuit who enable such a racket by her because that is business as usual for His Honors own racket more properly speaking conspiracy whereas conflicts of interests, say. with the St. John's County School District and the Power Brokers fronted by Commissioners, St. Augustine City Managers and the especially compromised segment of law enforcement that are so, to the effect that Attorney Paull is cahoots with real estate interests if not just her own plying her way through covert actions and illegal application of her "privilege" and her shark like appetites, unreasonable for not work but harm and fraud accomplished.........

Greedy South Florida Lawyers strike HOAs!!!

This is unfortunate to blog about but I have had the inside scoop on this "SCAM" lawyers are running on HOA's. Lawyers see HOA's as a gold mine, due to the fact that they can lien your house to get money. This much is fair, and it is necessary to Lien against property owners who refuse to pay dues.
The problem arises when lawyers DO NOT CONTACT property owners until AFTER they lien. Then they tack on exorbidant fees, so people see a bill that is $3000.00 in back association dues, plus $2000.00 in legal fees for a grand total of $5000.00.
Now in the current economic climate, people are in debt with no equity, which means no consolidation options. SO, now add on the fact that you owe 5 grand (including 2k in legal fees). It's pressure and the typical response is people GIVE UP and prepare to be foreclosed on.
So if you are still with me so far you may be asking yourself, so where is the scam? We live in America... a free market society and lawyers can charge what they wish, if you don't like it hire another lawyer, and I would agree. Except for the fact that the lawyers are now partnering with Investors to pick up these properties they helped send into foreclosure and that is totally unethical. Worse off ask your board of directors what the average cost of legal fees are for a unit guess is they don't know.

.........In short given the condition that most families find themselves because of the mortgage foreclosure stats, the economic downturn, the credit/debit Market crunch, the jobless rates,

a lawyer of Mrs. Paull's degree of corruption, lies and deceit, should not only be disbarred for being in violation of the State Bar Code Of Ethics and chastised by the State Department Of State, but put on trial for crimes against humanity against the citizens and their guaranteed Constitutional rights.

........... As for Judge Alexander it goes without saying ... but because he is about to walk back into his Chambers unopposed ( though he is in fact opposed until and unto taking the oath of his office )it needs to be better illustrated and shown how who what cults and personalities, meaning government agencies and "families", are His Honours conflict of interests, both primary and secondary, for the good of the people and to direct them to address the real causes of their suffering and despondency which should lead them to making a decision by which to bring their long suffered abuse to an end. That and by the citizens realizing that they are accountable for their democratic society.

sent last week

I'd like, at your kind suggestion and your subsequent offer to forward this to editors and or writers yourself included, to set down briefly the particulars of the other potentially "newsworthy" story we hit upon at the conclusion of the pertinent interview yesterday, regarding myself, my brother who is running for state representative for District 18 as an independent candidate, and the situation we are both related'ly embroiled in with a legal system which includes Duval and St. John's county courts.A major reason my brother is running for State Representative is to expose unscrupulous public officials and their ilk at the same time working to change the abusive laws and legal practices that are destroying families like his and many others.Basically, and there are documents, facts, and records that are public- accessible, my own reputation and livelihood as a independent cultural advocate and activist and American poet and self employed worker, have been smeared and and attacked by a lawyer who is also the Attorney for my sister-in- law in my brother's divorce case in which he is defendant pro se. Because the lawyer in effect libeled slandered and defamed my character I initiated a suit in Duval court in order to protect my livelihood and my reputation on which it rests. The lawyer motioned to have have my suit dismissed and, prior to that, a motion for emergency relief against me. In documents on public record this lawyer declares that I am "outside the accepted norm of culture and society"! She claimed that she was privileged by her involvement in my brother's divorce case taking place in another county and in another court, the circuit court in St. John's county and this privilege applied to the adjunct status of my brother and my sister-in- law's house in Ponte Vedra Beach! Suffice to say this "business" is still very much in play despite or in-spite of the imbedded fact of the presiding Judge's decision in the dismissal motion singly depending on the interference and unqualified authority of the presiding Circuit Court Judge in St. John's county.The Circuit Court Judge in the meantime who has been elected without opposition in an arrangement I find, as voter and a citizen, repulsive, once before and about to take office again because of the same "technicality" in November blatantly in deep "conflict of interest" with the St. John's County School Board and otherwise what should be a simple divorce-- in a twenty five year marriage whereas my brother never asked for the divorce and certainly did not initiate this, as did not I the lawyer's smear tactics, the long drawn out travesty of justice and abuse, the System did and should be held responsible-- under the laws and procedures of Florida has mutated into fraud and conspiracy, politically motivated, including political censorsip and suppression where this conflicted and entrenched judge oversteps his jurisdiction and legal duty and on top of that enables and promotes a corrupt lawyer who is ostensibly a racketeer into real estate and the financial holdings of divorce litigants.There is factual proof and "coded" evidence in the tendencies of this lawyer and this judge that cry out for public exposure and public notice. Fraud, conspiracy, and racketeering in the business- as -usual, powered brokered, Jim Crow" pogrom galore, in this politically and under worldly motivated drama that dangerously compromises system ethics, confidentiality between people and their public servents, due- process, the right to a fair and speedy trial, the First Amendment and civil liberties. Most important those suppositions afforded political candidates and voters, and, in my sense, malicious discrimination against cultural diversity and pluralism as pluralism applies to cultural independence and defference in contrast to the monolithic elites that is the corporate mainstream "market" mindset and corrupt government for which this situation locally stands that enables and presses sanctions against the citizens for which it exists to serve.This is big, this is real, this is the case I'm sure among many likewise hidden from view and in keeping with what I and many percieve to be within the scope of the vision of Folio Weekly and freedom of the press.


Scoff Law

Childish ThoughtYou don’t find no answer with your mindonly the mind trying to find the mind,the vital answer has no vital questionit’s never been asked by mortal being, there is no wise domain to live insideonly strange lands demanding maps, the self can lie as well as any otherno sense can tell the truth all ways, some people sit tight in the stormsome people move to Coney Island, some people forget that words can fail themsome people remember all the ways to forget, I think the universe is bigger than thatI think I’ll boldly go as far as flesh can, my death will place me one day into an ivory boxmy mind a fossilized collection of dead thoughts, yet if I see a drowning friend in a rough seaI do not wait for them to learn how to swim,I throw them the happy ending of my long tethershow them the way I learned my crazy free style,then sit eating my own Coney Island candy flosswhile they swim out on their own sweet milky way.John.G.Hall©2008

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


The title of this blog belies the smallest common denominator in a much larger equation of ( and as the title is not entitled by common sense and caution so much as the "two red cents" of the yellow journaliste ) political corruption and beyond AND especially beneath to the causes of unconditional injustice, unfairness, and, very much these days, the bellicose status quo of class elites and those special incorporated interests in this country but too close for comfort with the nation's State incorporated and compromised to the benefit of foreign powers and foreign currencies given control by no one less than traitors who hide behind labels like "speculators" and "hedge funds" but espeical "sub- prime confidence men" of the American people and their Constitution, and the title is meant to facititate the garnering of the truth, and the threshing of the chaff through the channel of a symbolic personification that stands up to lies, injustice, and the American waived, namely Citizen SCOFFLAW, for convenience and to stir up the rightly indignant citizenry "victimized" day in and day out, some to the point of pointless tragedy, whilst out of necessity, AN EXAMPLE WILL BE made of the incestuous corruption of the justice sytem and its servitors of St. John's County, Florida, to this effect:

"dirty lawyer" DIANE PAULL a/ka/ Madame Mal Oiks

That an example must be made and in particular "poster child" profiles of what has to be on the most extreme sort of "DIRTYLAWYER" to be found possible anywhere in one of the most politically corrupt states in our great Union, Florida, where the "good old boy network", "Jim Crow" cult like premiums entrenched in hatred, desparagement of any real difference or diversity that even hint at deviation from the totalitarin line, abound and this for the convenience and understanding of the people of say North Florida, exposed, to public scrutiny whereas one may with common sense discern, say again, the connection between 19th Century ante- Reconstruction reactionary forces, all the look-a-way up and beyond the Civil Rights movement of the sixties and early seventies and beyond even then in St. Augustine even now, and this "business as usual" Tri-laterial conspiracy whereas 17 of its Circuit Judases and 4 of its run of the gin mill Judges are unopposed by Dem utter fo'ks in the upcomming local elections be confronted while as of the moment are in fact oppossed by the voters themselves unanimous and all and all, on a personal note is simply and rightly the people's way of becoming more self managing as well as self- sufficient.

running subtext:wall street is bidding on the highest bailout, the top 1.5 percent filthy stinking plutocrats are behind the hedge funds and the casino gambling on the killing-floor of the Bourse there fetches and servitors speculate up the paper tigers that are like bubbles in a tar pit. Tax free, dread- scott free, and bargain away with the help of 9ll contracted juntas from reagan- bush to bush-cheney and lobbyists and lawyers who told them torture was A OK that Corporate Welfare was a good deal for them and the super elites they press flesh with.

But just as the only real people that deserve the peoples money is the people in need (and their neighbors who get it) and distress themselves here down where it all starts and ends, so too the purge of the corruption of the local justice system that enables and enforces the crimes and lawlessness of government bureaucracy and power brokering rackets and the tribal racketeers who run working people lives and earned property into the ground (six feet if a person can afford the PLOT) begins right outside the door of the taxpaying law abiding typical grassrooted citizenry! (There are no “average” people anymore there’s average consumers indices and numbers for the number- cruncher, and if there are then let them move into the curve of the liberty BELL and bang their heads against it’s wall as if those thick skulls were a clacker until red, white and blue blood flows like liquidities through the iconic crack!)

first in a series of MATERIAL PUBLIC NOTICES:


Case No. DR07-1665

Division 57







COMES NOW, Daniel F. Walsh, Husband and ask of your Honor, John

Alexander, to recuse himself, in support of this motion Husband states

as follows :

What was supposed to be according to the laws and procedures

brought against me, by my wife of 25 yrs., has become something

dangerous and totally threatening to my livelihood, and therefore I

request your Honor to recuse himself from this case, DR07-1665. I am

not only a law abiding citizen, but a Husband and Father who takes

nothing for granted, and have always done what is best for my family,

and the many other people I care about. You Sir, have treated me with

no respect or dignity, and in fact, treat me like I'm some kind of

criminal. It appears you are confusing your Juvenile and Criminal

cases, with your Family cases, and don't even realize it ? Perhaps

you're overwhelmed or entangled with these other cases? All I know,

is you have intentionally and deliberately performed with prejudice,

nepotism, bias, and interference involving this case, and you have

politically abused your power as a servant of the people in a way that

is destructive to families. Had you ordered counseling for my wife,

pertaining to her inappropriate behavior that you have been informed

of, this marriage could still be saved. Instead, this court has

created more conflict. Ultimately, I had no choice but to contact and

inform the agencies listed below because of your treatment towards me,

by your Honor, and that you should be ashamed that a "Simple Divorce"

has reached this level. Also, if I am intimidated and/or harassed in

any manner, I will ask the Feds to investigate you and the court,

since they are already in the area investigating likewise behavior.

Keep in mind, I did not ask for this situation, nor am I responsible

for it. Perhaps you need to look at my wife's attorney, after all, it

was one of the most respected attorneys in Jacksonville, who had

practiced law for over 50 yrs., that warned me of Attorney Diane

Paull's reputation at the onset of this case.


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